A meeting to promote the coordination of the Gene, Protein, and Plant Ontologies and of other reference ontologies used in plant biology wa sheld on May 15 and 16, 2013 in Amherst (Buffalo) NY. Major goals of the meeting were:
- To inform members of the Protein, Plant, Gene Ontology and related communities of developments in their respective ontologies in order to promote cross-ontology coordination. Specifically (1) to enhance the treatment of plant-related proteins in the Protein Ontology and (2) to address issues concerning reuse of GO terms to describe plant-related entities, for example in the treatment of plant life cycle and development stages.
- To address general issues which arise when ontologies need to be extended to cover multiple species of organisms
- To contribute to the cROP (Common Reference Ontologies for Plants) initiative
- To contribute to the ontological understanding of phenotype and disease across organisms.
- To identify potentially fruitful applications which enhanced ontology coordination might bring.
Meeting was attended by the participants representing the Protein Ontology, Plant Ontology, Gene Ontology, ChEBI, OBO Foundry, and the University of Buffalo.
For more information on the meeting and accessing the presentations, please visit the meeting website.