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Database: Annotations
GR_Ensembl 9,915,977
Planteome_gene 6,756,830
GRIMS 2,978,495
Phytozome 2,696,865
MaizeGDB 1,523,492
NCBI 1,032,086
TAIR 784,408
Congenie 488,847
Legumeinfo 404,554
GRIN 242,016
AGI_LocusCode 228,890
cosmoss_PpV1.2 224,640
GR_gene 202,306
Coffee-genome 148,294
Cucurbit 137,048
CCBR 128,367
RAP-DB 95,383
GR_QTL 71,001
Pyn_gene 58,846
IRIC 54,727
LIS_Cajca 46,464
LIS_Araip 39,967
GDR 38,140
LIS_Aradu 37,648
SGN_germplasm 19,541
SOY_QTL 10,487
Jaiswal_lab 9,561
Sorghum_QTL_Atlas 7,675
MaizeGDB_stock 4,914
CRIBI_Vitis 3,410
UniProtKB 2,708
NASC 1,897
SGN 1,362
SGN_gene 896
GR_protein 728
Genesys-pgr 389
AgBase 265
GenBank 210
LIS 208
SOY_gene 118
Gramene 10
NCBI_gi 3
Total number of annotations: 28,399,673